Conservative Advocates Rank Delegate Chris Peace the Most Conservative Legislator from Hanover

-- Peace Scores High Marks Statewide on 2013 Session Votes with Two Independent Organizations --

Central Virginia – Two 2013 General Assembly session scorecards, recently released, revealed that Delegate Christopher K. Peace (R-97th House District) maintains one of the most conservative voting records in the state and the most conservative of Hanover’s representatives. Peace was ranked statewide in the top 10 by Tertium Quid and in the top 15 by the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation.   

Tertium Quids released the first score card, where Peace scored an 85%.  Each session, Tertium Quids monitors a number of important bills covering a variety of issues.  Such issues include government spending and fiscal concerns, taxes, private property rights, voter fraud, and transportation.  At the end of the session, they report how legislators vote on these matters.  According to their website, “Tertium Quids is an independent, nonpartisan, issue advocacy organization that promotes legislative efforts to expand individual opportunity and free markets, while reducing the size, role, and cost of government in Virginia.”  To access the full scorecard:

Also released was the 2013 Legislative Scorecard from the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation (VTPP) on which Peace scored an 89.4%.  The VTPP website emphasizes their mission as, “a statewide tea party federation of local, non-partisan patriot groups established to advance and strengthen the Founding principles and God-given rights predicated in the U.S. and Virginia Constitution.  Our mission is to encourage and facilitate citizen participation in the political process and empower all citizens with a voice and influence in demanding Constitutional governance.”  To access the full scorecard:

Delegate Peace, speaking about the report cards, said "I have always maintained a principled legislative record which protects constitutional rights, works to limit government spending, guards private property rights, protects our democratic process by safeguarding against voter fraud, and creates a climate for more jobs and a stronger Virginia economy. It is vital to carefully consider any vote on measures which may substantially affect the residents of the 97th District."